Author: Nika

MSCO 1.2 Beta Update

Updates • Shopping is partially fixed! (BUT! Only Host should buy items and open shopping bags! Client can pay for items if you wish) • Beer Cases partially fixed! (New Beer Cases bought at Teimo’s Shop can be shared between players without issues) • Hand animations stabilized • Few reported crash errors have been fixed. […]

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MSCO 1.1 Beta Update

Updates • Hand animations have been brought back to life again! (Hitting, Drinking, Pushing, Middle fingering) • Vertical head movement has also been brought back to life, you will now see when your friend looks up or down! • Fixed pickupable error crashes • Improved Build numbering system starting at 1.1 onwards. ⠀ Misc • […]

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MSCO 1.0 Beta Update

Updates• My Summer Car Online 1.0 Open Beta is live! Go download from #download• Fixed various errors causing unneeded crashes• [experimental] Added passenger seat to JONNEZ bike. (Make sure you are SEATED DOWN on the back of the bike when entering. Or you might get stuck!)• Improved some network bandwidth usage• Fixed issues with Jonnez […]

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